
We are constantly monitoring the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as internal health experts.  

Our tiered HSE emergency response plan and supporting risk mitigation efforts focus on ensuring the safety of our employees as well as the customers and vendors with whom we work. 

We will update this page with our ongoing preventative measures, which follow guidance from the CDC and WHO.

Tiered crisis response

Globally, our Corporate Crisis Team provides the following: 

  • Visibility of the business impacts developing in, or across, countries and regions. 
  • Guidance on potential broader consequences of the outbreak should they have a global impact. 
  • COVID-19 preventative measures and response guidance to support our local response plans. 

Every country has reviewed their local emergency response plans, assessed them for business continuity, and activated their plans in alignment with local authorities. 

Our people

Work spaces: 

  • An employee who is ill is directed to stay home. 
  • For individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms, we have directed additional self-quarantine guidance following CDC and health expert directives. 
  • For business-essential operations where on-site work is required, employees should adopt social distancing, regular cleaning, and other precautionary measures aligned to each location’s response plan. 
  • Where possible, we have adopted remote working and are encouraging our employees and customers to collaborate virtually using information-sharing tools.


  • All global, non-critical business travel is currently restricted. 

  • Additional domestic travel restrictions align to local authority guidance to further minimize exposure. 

Facility access control: 

  • Facility and customer location access controls have been implemented at a local level based on local authority requirements. 

  • Locations have implemented measures to align with local authority and/or customer requirements for work location visits. 

Our supply chain

Our category management, sourcing, and logistics teams continue to work closely with suppliers, freight forwarders, and internal stakeholders to minimize any disruption to our supply chains. 

  • We have completed a full assessment by each product service line to evaluate potential impact and alternative sourcing strategies. 

  • We are considering the impact of any restrictions on shipping lanes and air travel in our lead-time assessments. 

Business continuity

Due to the critical role we play in providing energy, Halliburton is a key member in the Energy sector’s essential infrastructure. 

We continue to work with our extended value chain and utilize our tiered crisis response to mitigate the evolving risks and ensure ongoing business continuity to deliver critical goods and services to support communities around the world.